

The Ride


Laurence Beresford

Lawrence Matz


London to Barcelona Charity Bike Ride

Laurence Beresford

laurence beresford


When our Laurence started having dizzy spells in 2006, he didn’t think too much about it until he had a full blown epileptic seizure. A brain scan showed a suspicious shadow on the left side of his brain and he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. This was effectively a death sentence. A biopsy revealed a low-grade astrocytoma. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of Dr Jeremy Rees and Professor Michael Brada, Laurence passed away in 2010.

Throughout the course of this terrible disease, he never lost his incredible sense of humour and warmth which had rewarded him with so many friends. He bravely fought the progressive physical and intellectual effects of the tumour and continued with life as normally as possible. His family and friends were his world and right up to the very end they remained an integral part of his life. Laurence was always prepared to help others and now I feel it is time to honour his memory by raising money for a charity he held close to his heart.

Dr Rees is carrying out research on low grade gliomas trying to understand their behaviour and identifying those tumours which are going to turn malignant using MRI technology. Together with Professor Brada, they are looking for a new drug to treat these tumours at an earlier stage before the effects are apparent to the patient. They hope that with the money raised, Laurence's incredible suffering will not have been in vain.

Laurence Beresford was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour in 2006. Despite the best efforts of his doctors he passed away in October 2010 at just 59 

UCL was his chosen charity where funding is desperately needed to find drugs to help combat this horrific cruel disease. logo

Ways to donate:

1) Online donations can be made via  http//www.justgiving.com/laurenceberesford    

2) Cheques made payable to “University College London" and sent c/o me Peter Tenenbaum, 17 Spaniards End London NW3 7JG. If you are eligible , please complete a  UCL Gift Aid Form and return with your donation.